Saturday 10 January 2015

Traditions of Bhumihar Brahmins

Ideally, the Bhumihar Brahmins are supposed to perform sixteen major Saṃskāra rites during the course of their lifetime. In the pre-natal stage, Garbhadharana (conception), Pumsavana (rite for consecrating a male child in the womb) and Simantonnayana (rite for parting the hair of a pregnant woman) are performed. During childhood, Jatakarma (birth ceremony), Namakarana (naming ceremony), Nishkarmana (first outing) Annaprasana (first feeding solid food), Choodakarana (first tonsure) and Karnavedha (ear piercing) are performed. During education of the child, Vidhyarambha (starting of education), Upanayanam (thread ceremony- initiation), Vedarambha (starting of the study of the Vedas), Keshanta or Godana (first shaving of the beard) and Samavartanam or Snaana (ending of studentship) are performed. During adulthood, Vivaha (marriage) and Anthyesthi (funeral rites) are the main ceremonies.
All the Bhumihar Brahmins try to adhere to these customs. But, as among all Brahmins throughout the country (the general masses), all Samskaras can no longer be practically performed. Only the most essential ones like Garbhadharana (conception), Jatakarma (birth ceremony), Namakarana (naming ceremony), Annaprasana (first feeding solid food), Choodakarana (first tonsure), Vidhyarambha (starting of education), Upanayanam (thread ceremony- initiation), Vivaha (marriage) and Anthyesthi (funeral rites) are performed.


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