Monday, 27 April 2015

यूपी की नौकरशाही में जो बहती धारा के उलट खड़े हैं @गोविंद पंत राजू

रिटायर आईएएस अधिकारी प्रोमिला शंकर की हालिया किताब ‘गॉड्स ऑफ करप्शन’ भले ही उत्तर प्रदेश में नौकरशाही की भ्रष्ट छवि को कुछ और पुख्ता करती हो, लेकिन इसी तंत्र में कुछ ऐसे अधिकारी भी हैं जिनका काम इस छवि को चुनौती देता है.
गोविंद पंत राजू 1
राम और कृष्ण की जन्म भूमि के रूप में चर्चित उत्तर प्रदेश में अब एक और तरह के देवता भी अवतरित होने लगे हैं. ये हैं ‘भ्रष्टाचार के देवता’. रिटायर आईएएस अधिकारी प्रोमिला शंकर की हाल में आई किताब ‘गॉड्स ऑफ करप्शन’ में उत्तर प्रदेश में नौकरशाहों के राजनीतिक रिश्तों और इनके कारण लगातार बढ़ते भ्रष्टाचार के ताने-बाने का बारीक खुलासा किया गया है. प्रोमिला शंकर ने अपने व्यक्तिगत अनुभवों के आधार पर राजनीतिक दलों के हिसाब से रंग बदलने वाले नौकरशाहों के कई कारनामों से पर्दा हटाया है.+
इस किताब के बाजार में आने के बाद उत्तर प्रदेश की ब्यूरोक्रेसी में काफी सुगबुगाहट है, किताब में जिस तरह के अधिकारियों का उल्लेख है, उनकी लॉबी अब प्रोमिला शंकर की लागत-मलानत में जुट गई है. प्रोमिला शंकर की किताब बताती है कि एक वक्त देश में सर्वश्रेष्ठ समझी जाने वाली उत्तर प्रदेश की नौकरशाही अब पूरी तरह राजनीतिक भ्रष्टाचार की चेरी बन गई है और ज्यादातर नौकरशाह अब सत्ता के यस मैन की तरह काम कर रहे हैं.+
प्रोमिला शंकर की किताब बताती है कि एक वक्त देश में सर्वश्रेष्ठ समझी जाने वाली उत्तर प्रदेश की नौकरशाही में अब ज्यादातर अफसर सत्ता के यस मैन की तरह काम कर रहे हैं.
हालांकि यह पहला मौका नहीं है जब उत्तर प्रदेश में ब्यूरोक्रेसी के अन्दर से अपनी सड़ांध का प्रतिकार हो रहा हो. प्रोमिला शंकर की किताब में जिन एपी सिंह पर अंगुली उठी है उन्हें तो उनके दो अन्य साथियों सहित उन्हीं के संवर्ग ने वोट डाल कर महाभ्रष्ट तक चुना था. आईएएस एसोसिएशन की वार्षिक बैठक में अपने बीच महाभ्रष्ट चुनने के लिए 1997 में बाकायदा वोटिंग हुई थी. उस समय आईएएस कैडर के लोगों ने भ्रष्टाचार के खिलाफ लड़ाई लड़ने के लिए ‘एक्शन ग्रुप’ नामक एक संगठन भी बनाया था. इस लड़ाई की प्रेरणा एक पूर्व आईएएस अधिकारी धर्म सिंह रावत थे जो खुद सेवा में रहते हुए लखनऊ में गांधी प्रतिमा के सामने सरकारी तंत्र के खिलाफ 1986 में धरने पर बैठ चुके थे. रावत का मानना था कि लोकतंत्र में असली सत्ता जनता के हाथों में होती है. वे भ्रष्टाचार को मुद्दा तो मानते थे, लेकिन असल मुद्दा नहीं. उनका कहना था कि असल बात जवाबदेही और पारदर्शिता है. यह होगी तो भ्रष्टाचार खुद-ब-खुद खत्म हो जाएगा.+
2001 के बाद एक बार फिर उत्तर प्रदेश की नौकरशाही ने अपने गिरेबान में झांकने की कोशिश की. ‘इंडिया रिजुवेनेशन इनीशिएटिव’ (आईआरआई) के तहत नौकरशाही के काम काज में जवाबदेही और पारदर्शिता लाने का यह मिशन भी कुछ दिन खूब जोर शोर से चला. लेकिन 2006 के बाद उत्तर प्रदेश में नई सरकार के साथ साथ यह कमजोर पड़ता चला गया. अब एक बार फिर प्रोमिला शंकर की किताब ने गड़े मुर्दे उखाड़ दिए हैं. हालांकि उनसे असहमत लॉबी कहती है कि उन्होंने यह सब नौकरी में रहते हुए क्यों नहीं लिखा या कहा. यह तो वही बात हो गई कि जैसे बीएसपी से निकाले जाने वाला हर नेता एक ही आरोप दोहराता है कि पार्टी में पैसे लेकर टिकट बेचे जाते हैं.+
बहरहाल प्रोमिला शंकर की किताब इस समय इसलिए भी महत्वपूर्ण हो गई है कि आजकल राज्य में कुछ बड़े अधिकारी लगातार भ्रष्टाचार और गैर जिम्मेदाराना प्रशासन के खिलाफ मुखर हैं. इसमें से एक हैं आईपीएस अधिकारी अमिताभ ठाकुर. तमाम दबावों के बावजूद अमिताभ राज्य में हो रही हर गड़बड़ के खिलाफ आवाज उठाने में लगे हैं. अभी हाल में उन्होने उत्तर प्रदेश में जिलों में नेताओं को दी जाने वाली ‘गार्ड ऑफ आनर’ प्रथा को खत्म करने की मांग की है. इसके पहले भी वे सरकार के अनेक फैसलों के खिलाफ आवाज उठा चुके हैं. अपनी पत्नी नूतन ठाकुर के साथ वे सूचना के अधिकार (आरटीआई) और जनहित याचिकाओं को हथियार बना कर अन्याय और असमानता के खिलाफ लड़ रहे हैं. कुछ समय पहले नूतन द्वारा आरटीआई के जरिये मिली जानकारी से पता चला था कि उत्तर प्रदेश में 43 आईपीएस अफसर हैं जिनका अपने अब तक के करियर में 40 से भी ज्यादा बार तबादला हो चुका है.+
उत्तर प्रदेश का निजाम ऐसा है कि नोएडा प्लाट आवंटन के मामले में सजायाफ्ता राजीव कुमार जैसे अधिकारी एक ‘स्टे’ के सहारे पूरे सूबे में अधिकारियों की तैनाती करने वाले नियुक्ति विभाग के प्रमुख सचिव बने हुए हैं.
हाल ही में अमिताभ ने सेवानिवृत्ति के बाद आईएएस और पीसीएस अधिकारियों की पुर्ननियुक्ति पर सवाल उठाए. मुख्यमंत्री के खास समझे जाने वाले शंभू सिंह यादव और आजम खान के निजी सचिव के सेवा विस्तार को आधार बना कर उठा यह मामला एक जनहित याचिका के रूप में हाईकोर्ट में विचाराधीन है. कांग्रेस नेता रीता बहुगुणा का घर जलाए जाने के आरोप में सीबीसीआईडी द्वारा डीजीपी एके जैन के खिलाफ मुकदमा चलाने की अनुमति मांगने के बावजूद जैन को सेवा विस्तार दे दिए जाने के खिलाफ भी अमिताभ मुखर हैं. वे कहते हैं कि जब नीरा यादव के मामले में सुप्रीम कोर्ट ने कहा था कि अगर किसी व्यक्ति के खिलाफ एक भी मामला विचाराधीन हो तो उसे सेवा विस्तार नहीं दिया जाना चाहिए. तब जैन को सेवा विस्तार क्यों दिया गया. यह मामला भी अब अदालत में है.+
अमिताभ को इस ‘हिम्मत’की कीमत भी चुकानी पड़ रही है. उन्हें लगातार महत्वहीन पदों पर तैनाती मिलती है. व्यक्तिगत तौर पर भी उन्हें प्रताड़ित किया गया है. खनन मंत्री गायत्री प्रजापति के खिलाफ अवैध खनन का मामला उठाने पर उन्हें फोन पर धमकी मिली थी. इसके बाद महिला आयोग में एटा और गाजियाबाद की दो अज्ञात महिलाओं की ओर से अमिताभ और उनकी पत्नी के खिलाफ बलात्कार, यौन उत्पीड़न व देह व्यापार की शिकायत कराई गई. इस दंपत्ति ने दोनों ही मामलों में जांच की मांग की, पुलिस में रिपोर्ट भी कराई मगर कोई कार्रवाई नहीं हुई.+
अब सरकार ने अमिताभ से जवाब-तलब किया है कि वे अपनी सेवा शर्तों का उल्लंघन क्यों कर रहे हैं. वे कहते हैं, ‘सेवा शर्तों का उल्लंघन तो वे लोग कर रहे हैं जो न्याय के मामले में कानून के बजाय अपनी जाति, अपने वर्ग और अपनी पसंद को ज्यादा वजन दे रहे हैं. मैं तो सिर्फ एक नागरिक होने का फर्ज अदा कर रहा हूं.’ उनके मुताबिक आज सबसे बड़ी समस्या यह है कि सिस्टम में पारदर्शिता और जवाबदेही बिलकुल नहीं रह गई है. वे कहते हैं, ‘यह हो तो सारी चीजें ठीक हो जाएं. दूसरी समस्या निष्पक्षता की है. पर्सनल लाइकिंग-डिसलाइकिंग से शासन नहीं चलता. पर आज यही हो रहा है.’+
अमिताभ को इस ‘हिम्मत’की कीमत भी चुकानी पड़ रही है. उन्हें लगातार महत्वहीन पदों पर तैनाती मिलती है. व्यक्तिगत तौर पर भी उन्हें प्रताड़ित किया गया है.
उत्तर प्रदेश में ‘गॉड्स आफ करप्शन’ के बारे में अमिताभ का कहना है कि अब राजनीतिक व्यवस्था और नौकरशाह, दोनों को अपनी अपनी ताकत का अहसास हो चुका है. दोनों ही जानते हैं कि एक दूसरे की मदद के बिना उनका ‘भला’नहीं हो सकता. इसलिए आज बहुत सारे अधिकारी एक अच्छा लोक सेवक होने के बजाय अपना खुद का हित साधने में जुट गए हैं. इसीलिए वे राज्य का होने के बनिस्बत सत्ताधारी दल का होना ज्यादा पसन्द करने लगे हैं और यहीं से सारी गड़बड़ी की शुरूआत होती है.+
गहराई से देखें तो यह बात काफी हद तक सही दिखाई देती है. मायावती सरकार के कई बड़े अधिकारी राजनीतिक दलों की शरण में मौज काट रहे हैं. कुछ ने बीएसपी की कृपा हासिल की तो कुछ को ‘नेताजी’की छत्रछाया में सम्मान की प्राप्ति हो रही है. जिन्हें जेल में होना था वो राजनेता बने घूम रहे हैं. शायद ही कोई जिला हो जहां प्रशासन के खिलाफ भ्रष्टाचार का कोई बड़ा मामला न चल रहा हो. राज्य के 25 से ज्यादा बड़े अधिकारियों के खिलाफ बड़ी जांचें चल रही हैं. मगर निजाम ऐसा है कि नोएडा प्लाट आवंटन के मामले में सजायाफ्ता राजीव कुमार जैसे अधिकारी एक ‘स्टे’ के सहारे पूरे सूबे में अधिकारियों की तैनाती करने वाले नियुक्ति विभाग के प्रमुख सचिव बने हुए हैं और मलाई काट रहे हैं. केंद्र सरकार में पांच वर्ष का कार्यकाल पूरा किए बिना जबरन यूपी कैडर में वापस भेज दिए गए अधिकारी सदाकान्त आवास विभाग के प्रमुख सचिव बने हुए हैं तो दीपक सिंघल प्रमुख सचिव सिंचाई जैसे महत्वपूर्ण पद पर तैनात हैं. नियमानुसार केंद्र से इस तरह बैरंग लौटाए गए अधिकारियों को कोई महत्वपूर्ण नियुक्ति नहीं दी जानी चाहिए थी.+
लेकिन ये यूपी है. यहां नियमों के अलावा सब कुछ चलता है. लेकिन ‘सब चलता है’ की इस धारा के विपरीत भी अब यहां कुछ चलने लगा है. धारा के विपरीत कुछ हलचलें हैं, कुछ आवाजें हैं. अमिताभ ठाकुर के अलावा ऐसी ही एक और आवाज है सार्वजनिक उद्यम विभाग के प्रमुख सचिव एसपी सिंह की. एसपी सिंह भी इन दिनों राज्य सरकार की आंख की किरकिरी बने हुए हैं.+
26 जिलों में इस अभियान के तहत 151 परीक्षा केंद्रों मे सामूहिक नकल पकड़ी गई. एक केंद्र में तो राज्य के एक मंत्री की बेटी ही नकल करते हुए पकड़ी गईं. मगर सरकार की तरफ से सिंह को शाबाशी मिलना तो दूर उल्टे उन्हें ही निशाना बनाया गया.
पिछले डेढ़ वर्ष में छह तबादले झेल चुके एसपी सिंह इससे पहले माध्यमिक शिक्षा विभाग में प्रमुख सचिव थे. वहां उन्होने बोर्ड परीक्षाओं में संगठित नकल को रोकने के लिए कुछ योजनाएं बनाईं. मगर वे उन पर पूरी तरह अमल कर पाते, इसके पहले ही नकल माफिया ने उनकी छुट्टी करवा दी. एक महीना दस दिन में ही उनका तबादला हो गया. सिंह ने नकल माफिया के खिलाफ वास्ट ( वॉलेंटरी एक्शन फॉर सोशल ट्रांसफार्मेशन) नामक एनजीओ की मदद से जोरदार अभियान छेड़ा था. 26 जिलों में इस अभियान के तहत 151 परीक्षा केंद्रों मे सामूहिक नकल पकड़ी गई. एक केंद्र में तो राज्य के एक मंत्री की बेटी ही नकल करते हुए पकड़ी गईं. मगर सरकार की तरफ से सिंह को शाबाशी मिलना तो दूर उल्टे उन्हें ही निशाना बनाया गया.+
2000 करोड़ के नकल उद्योग से लड़ने के अलावा सिंह ने किसानों की आत्महत्या के सवाल को भी बड़ा सवाल बनाया है. उन्होंने बड़े अधिकारियों सहित राज्य की सत्ता को भी इसके लिए कठघरे में खड़ा किया है. इस कारण उनको प्रताड़ित किया जाने लगा है. उदाहरण के लिए कुछ दिन पहले उन्हें मुख्यमंत्री आवास पर समीक्षा बैठक के लिए सुबह नौ बजे बुलाया गया. वे गए तो वहां बैठक के बारे में कोई सूचना ही नहीं थी. काफी देर खड़े रहने के बाद उन्हे वापस लौटना पड़ा. लेकिन सिंह इससे जरा भी विचलित नहीं हैं. वे कहते हैं, ‘मैं तो वही कर रहा हूं जो राज्य सरकार का काम है. पता नहीं इसका इतना हौव्वा क्यों बनाया जा रहा है. मुझसे कहा जा रहा है कि मुख्यमंत्री मुझसे नाराज हैं. मैं नहीं मानता ऐसा कुछ होगा. मैं फेसबुक पर अपने दोस्तों से अपनी पीड़ा शेयर करता हूं तो इसमें किसी को क्या आपत्ति हो सकती है.’ अपनी फेसबुक वाल पर उन्होंने लिखा है, ‘कई बार मुझे शंका होती है – क्या ये लोकतंत्र है या षडयंत्र तंत्र या भय तंत्र?’+
‘मैंने कोई पाप नहीं किया, कुछ ज्वलन्त मुद्दे जन सामान्य के हित में ही तो उठाए हैं. नकल रोको अभियान चलाया. किसान का बेटा होने के नाते आत्महत्या कर रहे किसानों के मुआवजे का मुद्दा उठाया… क्या ये सब एक लोक सेवक द्वारा किया गया अपराध है ?’
सिंह कहते हैं, ‘मैंने कोई पाप नहीं किया, कुछ ज्वलन्त मुद्दे जन सामान्य के हित में ही तो उठाए हैं. जैसे नकल रोको अभियान चलाया. किसान का बेटा होने के नाते आत्महत्या कर रहे किसानों के मुआवजे का मुद्दा उठाया, बालिका कुपोषण प्रोग्राम चला रहा हूं. क्या ये सब एक लोक सेवक द्वारा किया गया अपराध है ?’ वे आगे कहते हैं, ‘मैं तो पहले भी ऐसा ही था लेकिन अब सत्ता का चेहरा और चरित्र दोनों बदल गए हैं. अकबर को जिल्ले इलाही इसलिए कहा जाता था क्योंकि वे अपनी कमियों और गलतियों के बारे में दूसरों से सुन कर क्रोधित होने के बजाय उन्हें ठीक करने की कोशिश करते थे. आज भी मुख्यमंत्री को मेरे सवालों को व्यक्तिगत प्रतिष्ठा का प्रश्न बनाने के बजाय न्याय का मुद्दा बनाना चाहिए.’ उनसे जवाब-तलब किए जाने पर सिंह का का कहना है कि फेसबुक पर वे जो भी लिखते हैं वह अपने दोस्तों से निजी बातचीत है. वे कहते हैं, ‘निजी बातचीत के आधार पर सर्विस कंडक्ट रूल के उल्लंघन का कोई मामला नहीं बनता.’ सिंह मानते हैं कि उनका कोई व्यक्तिगत एजेंडा नहीं है. वे तो बस अपना उत्तरदायित्व पूरा कर रहे हैं.+
उत्तर प्रदेश में अब ज्यादातर अधिकारी राजनीतिक रूप से निष्पक्ष नहीं रह गए हैं. अपनी सुविधा और फायदे के लिए वे सत्ता की राजनीति से जुड़ जाते हैं और इसके बाद उन्हे किसी जवाबदेही की जरूरत नहीं रह जाती. सारी जवाबदेही एक जगह जाकर खत्म हो जाती है. हालात इतने खराब हो गये हैं कि कई वरिष्ठ अधिकारी भी यह स्वीकार करते हैं कि सूबे की बेहतरी के लिए सूबे की नौकरशाही को ठीक करना बहुत जरूरी है. राजनीतिक रूप से तटस्थ, जवाबदेह और पारदर्शी नौकरशाही के बिना उत्तर प्रदेश का उद्धार संभव नहीं. अमिताभ ठाकुर और एसपी सिंह जैसे लोगों की कोशिश आसमान की ओर एक पत्थर तबीयत से उछालने जैसी ही सही, बदलाव की एक मलंग पहल तो है.

Thursday, 16 April 2015

Sri Narayan Prasad Singh


You visit any district of BIHAR or East UP , You will find a Bhumihar Brahmin DOCTOR from GOREAKOTHI , You visit any PSU , You will find an engineer from GOREAKOTHI . In Old SARAN , It is said that GOREAKOTHI is blessed with Maa SARASWATI .Yes , He was a visionary leader from GOREAKOTHI ( Now SIWAN) , Sri Narayan Prasad Singh who initiated the process ” Importance of EDUCATION” in his area and due to his continuous effort GOREAKOTHI is on the TOP . Born on 16th December , 1887 in a bhumihar brahmin of Gotra PARASHAR Sri Narayan Babu was a real Karmyogi & RajRishi .
He was member of First Constituent Assembly in 1937 , This Assembly was having members like Motilal Nehru & Vallabh-bhai Patel and Speaker was Viththal-Bhai Patel ( Eleder Brother of Sardar Patel ) . Once , NARAYAN Babu asked Speaker to have permission to speak on PUBLIC SAFETY BILL but in HINDI , Speaker Viththal Bhai PATEL was not permitting any HINDI SPEAKER , but NARAYAN BABU was rigid , Later on with discussion , Speaker agreed with NARAYAN BABU and NARAYAN BABU became FIRST HINDI SPEAKER in PARLIAMENT . This one story shows how much NARAYAN BABU was having love for MATRIBHASHA .
Narayan Babu was very much fluent in HINDI , ENGLISH , URDU , FARASI , BHOJPURI and later on he started a magazine YOGI in Hindi language which was continue till 1972 , even Rashtra Kavi DINKAR jee edited this magazine for many years .
He wrote a Poem for KISAN – ” BAIL – BATISHI” in which he described all good qualities of an OX , This poem is still popular in SARAN and BIHAR .
He was very much advocate of Social revolution and Women Empowerment which effect can be seen even today as his NATIVE “GOREAKOTHI” is always No 1 in producing Lady Teacher , Lady Doctor , Lady Advocate . This Village also proudly announce to have even prestigious AIIMs alumni .
He started KARMYOGI HIGH SCHOOL in GOREAKOTHI(SIWAN) in 1916 and till this date this school alumni counts 500+ doctors in last 90 years which include 5 doctors every year :) and 1200 + engineers and all are alumni of this SCHOOL . Important point is that WHAT FLAG he Keep ..was spreaded among all.
People from his village says He was much affluent to this KARMYOGI HIGH SCHOOL that he made a HOSTEL and use to take everyday dinner along with School Students and Teachers . Teachers were hired from across the North India . This way he was having IMPORTANCE of Education .
He died on 14th June 1950 . The very next year his son Sri Krishna Kant Singh won election in Bihar assembly from Goreakothi and become deupty education minister in SRI BABU RAAJ . In Same Cabinet NARAYAN BABU samadhi Sri ram Charitra babu from BIHAT, Begusarai was Industy and Power minister . Narayan Babu Son in Law Sri Chandrashekhar babu was CPI leader and most honest Leader same with Narayan Babu Daughter Smt Shakuntala Sinha ( w/o Chandrashekhar Babu) was also a known figure in COMMUNIST MOVEMENT in BIhar and won many elections as MLA .
Narayan Babu eleder grand son(POTA) Sri Bumendra Narain Singh is in social service and was a winner in Feb 2005 election as MLA . While Second grand Son Dr Ramendra Narain Singh is a famous surgeon in patna with double MS degrees ( MS in Ortho and MS in General Surgery ) while third grand son Dr Gyanendra Narain Singh is leading RADIOLOGIST in PATNA , They all run prestigious TARA HOSPITAL & Research Centre .
Narayan Babu another grand son(NATI) Late PYARE BABU ( Son of Sri Chandrashekhar Babu and smt Shakuntla Sinha) was a honest Industrialist were having Industrial Units in DELHI and was a quite famous in PATNA with his brand DAFFODILs ( a Studio at Dak Bunglow) . He died in a road accident in 1997 near by MERRUT (west UP) .
Narayan Babu Elder daughter was married in the family of RAMDAYALU Singh , while second daughter Smt Seeta Singh married to son of BANARAS District Board Chairman Sri Ram Chandra Singh , Sri Ragho Sharan Singh . Smt Seeta Singh was First BHUMIHAR LADY in BIHAR to get MATRICULATION . Sri Raghao Sharan Singh son Sri Shashi Mohan Singh is an Indian Oil Officer . They live at NOIDA .
Sri S M Singh ( grandson of NARAYAN BABU ) son PRAFFUL JEE a student of WORLD MOST PRESTIGIOUS “HARWARD BUSINESS SCHOOL” ( Second BHUMIHAR in HISTORY ) . MOST ELIGIBLE BACHELOR in Bhumihar Brahmin community :) 

Wednesday, 15 April 2015

गोरिया कोठी के विधायक का निधन / Bihar BJP leader BP Singh passes away

BJP MLA Bhupendra Narayan Singh died of heart attack at a private hospital in Delhi on Tuesday night. 

Chief minister Nitish Kumar condoled death of the MLA from Goriakothi in Siwan district and announced a state funeral for him. 

Bihar legislative assembly mourned the death of the sitting member and the House was adjourned for the day after condolence by speaker Uday Narayan Choudhary. 

Singh, 77, is survived by wife and two sons. He was suffering from kidney failure and was undergoing treatment at a private hospital in the national capital for the past three months. He died of heart failure last night. 

बिहार विधान मंडल के दोनों सदनों में बुधवार को विधायी कार्य नहीं हो सके। गोरिया कोठी के भाजपा विधायक भूमेन्द्र नारायण सिंह उर्फ चुन्नू बाबू के निधन का समाचार मिलने के बाद दोनों सदनों की कार्यवाही शोक प्रस्ताव के बाद स्थगित कर दी गई। मुख्यमंत्री नीतीश कुमार ने चुन्नू बाबू के प्रति अपनी श्रद्धांजलि अर्पित की। देर शाम उनका पूरे राजकीय सम्मान के साथ अंतिम संस्कार कर दिया गया।

भूमेंद्र नारायण सिंह उर्फ चुन्नू बाबू का पार्थिव शरीर दोपहर सेवा विमान से पटना पहुंचा। भाजपा के राष्ट्रीय अध्यक्ष अमित शाह ने एयरपोर्ट पर चुन्नू बाबू के पार्थिव शरीर पर माल्यार्पण कर उनके प्रति श्रद्धासुमन अर्पित किए। इसके बाद पार्थिव शरीर को विधानसभा लाया गया जहां विधान मंडल के सदस्यों ने उन्हें श्रद्धांजलि अर्पित की। मुख्यमंत्री ने अपने शोक संदेश में कहा कि भूमेन्द्र बाबू सजग और संवेदनशील नेता थे। उन्होने दिवंगत आत्मा की चिर शांति तथा उनके परिजनों प्रशंसकों को दुख की इस घड़ी में धैर्य धारण करने की शक्ति प्रदान करने की ईश्वर से कामना की है। बिहार विधानसभा में अध्यक्ष उदय नारायण चौधरी ने अपने शोक प्रस्ताव में सदन को जानकारी दी कि विधायक भूपेन्द्र नारायण सिंह हृदय रोग से पीडि़त थे। कुछ दिनों पूर्व उनकी बाइपास सर्जरी हुई थी। उनके स्वास्थ्य में काफी सुधार था, लेकिन मंगलवार उन्हें हार्ट अटैक हुआ डाक्टरों की तमाम कोशिशों के बाद उन्हें बचाया नहीं जा सका। चुन्नू बाबू एक मिलनसार और निहायत नेकदिल इंसान थे। उनकी मृत्यु से राजनीतिक जगह में एक शून्य पैदा हुआ है जिसकी निकट भविष्य में भरपाई नहीं हो सकेगी। विधानसभा परिसर में चुन्नू बाबू को श्रद्धांजलि देने वालों में श्रवण कुमार, प्रदेश भाजपा अध्यक्ष मंगल पांडेय, नंद किशोर यादव समेत तमाम विधायक शामिल थे। केंद्रीय मंत्री राजीव प्रताप रूडी, गिरिराज सिंह, पूर्व केंद्रीय मंत्री व सांसद डा. सीपी ठाकुर, सांसद अश्विनी चौबे, डा. प्रेम कुमार ने अपने शोक संदेश में कहा कि चुन्नू बाबू बेहद नेकदिन इंसान व लोकप्रिय नेता थे। उनके निधन से समाज को अपूरणीय क्षति हुई है। ईश्वर उनकी आत्मा को शांति प्रदान करे।

Tuesday, 14 April 2015

Prominent Bhumihar

 Chandrama Singh : Another nationalist who was given life term imprisonment for being an accomplice with Baikuntha Shukla in murdering Phanindranath Ghosh for ideological vendetta.
• Sir Ganesh Dutt Singh : Only minister in the province of Bihar from 1923 to 1937 and great philanthropist who initiated World famous Prince of Wales Medical College, Patna University, Darbhanga Medical School etc.
• Sri Krishna Singh : Eminent nationalist and First Chief minister of Bihar. He was from Maur village of Shekhpura District of Bihar.
• Ram Dayalu Singh : First Speaker of Bihar Assembly. He was from Gangawa village of Muzaffarpur and strong advocate of SRI BABU candidature of premiership of the province of Bihar in 1937 assembly election (first). There is a famous college in Muzaffarpur which is named after him.
• Ram Binod Singh : Great nationalist and revolutionary who was brought into the freedom struggle by Acharya Jivatram Bhagwandas Kripalani when he used to teach in Langet Singh College in Muzzafarpur. In fact, Acaryaji has also mentioned about him in his autobiography "My Time".
• Ram Nandan Mishra : Nationalist and Socialist leader who spent years in jail in British India. A close associate of Loknayak Jayaprakash Narayan. Ramnandan Mishra shot into fame when he, along with JP, scaled the walls of the Hazaribagh central jail during theQuit India movement to lead the underground movement against the British. After Independence he become saint. Ram Manohar Lohia always regarded him as his guru.
• Pandit Raj Kumar Shukla : After his return from South Africa, Mahatma Gandhi started the freedom movement in India by his satyagraha in the Champaran District of Bihar at the request of Raj Kumar Shukla-- against the British, who were forcing the local farmers to plant indigo which was very harmful to the local soil. In India’s struggle for Independence the "Champaran Satyagraha", marks a very important stage. Raj Kumar Shukla drew the attention of Mahatma Gandhi, who had just returned from South Africa, to the plight of the peasants suffering under an oppressive system established by European indigo planters. Besides other excesses they were forced to cultivate indigo on 3/20 part of their holding and sell it to the planters at prices fixed by the planters. This marked Gandhiji’s entry into the India’s Struggle for Freedom. On his arrival at Motihari, the district headquarters, accompanied by Raj Kumar Shukla, Gandhiji was ordered to leave by the next available train which he refused to do and was arrested. He was released and the ban order was withdrawn in the face of a, "Satyagraha" threat. Gandhiji conducted an open enquiry into the peasant’s grievances. The Government had to appoint an enquiry committee with Gandhiji as a member. This led to the abolition of the system. Raj Kumar Shukla has been described by Gandhiji in his "Atmakatha", as a man whose suffering gave him the strength to rise against the odds. In his letter to Gandhiji he wrote "Respected Mahatma, You hear the stories of others everyday. Today please listen to my story….. I want to draw your attention to the promise made by you in the Lucknow Congress that you would come to Champaran. The time has come for you to fulfil your promise. 19 lakhs suffering people of Champaran are waiting to see you." Gandhiji reached Patna on 10 April, 1917 and on 16 April he reached Motihari accompanied by Raj Kumar Shukla. Under Gandhiji’s leadership the historic "Champaran Satyagraha" began. The contribution of Raj Kumar Shukla is reflected in the writings of Dr. Rajendra Prasad, first President of India, Acharya Kriplani and of course, Mahatma Gandhi himself. Raj Kumar Shukla maintained a diary in which he has given an account of struggle against the atrocities of the indigo planters, atrocities so movingly depicted by Deen Bandhu Mitra in "Neel Darpan", a play that was translated by Michael Madhusudan Dutt. This movement by Mahatma Gandhi received the spontaneous support of a cross section of people, including Dr. Rajendra Prasad, who ultimately became the first President of India.
• Mahavir Tyagi ; Eminent nationalist and parliamentarian.
• Pandit Yamuna Karjee : Pandit Yamuna Karjee was born in a small village name Deopar near Pusa in Darbhanga District of Bihar in 1898. His father Anu Karjee was a marginal farmer who died when Jamuna Karjee was just 6 months old. From his school days itself, he was drawn towards India’s freedom struggle and the Kisan Movement and Peasant movement under Swami Sehganandji Saraswati’s leadership. For higher studies he went to the Presidency College, Calcutta, and also obtained a degree in Law. In Calcutta he came in contact with several freedom fighters and Congress leaders like Dr. B.C. Roy, Dr. Shri Krishan Sinha, Rahul Sankritayan etc. Spurning the offers of several government jobs, he became a Hindi journalist of repute. He joined the editorial wing of Hindi weekly Bharat Mirtra published in Calcutta. He also took part in Gandhiji’s non cooperation movement from 1920-21 and was jailed in 1929-30 for taking part in civil disobedience movement and Namak Satyagrah. He won the first election for Bihar and Orissa Assembly in 1937 as a Congress candidate. He was one of the strongest pillars of the peasant movement in Bihar under the leadership of Swami Sahajanand Saraswati. He along with Rahul Sankritayan and other Hindi literaries started publishing a Hindi weekly Hunkar from Bihar, in 1940. Hunkar later became the mouthpiece of the peasant movement and the agrarian movement in Bihar. He was elected to the post of President Bihar Journalist association in 1947-48. He died of cancer in October 1953 at an early age of 55. After his untimely demise the peasant movement lost momentum in Bihar and became rudderless. His name also appears in Bipan Chandra's masterpiece India's Struggle for Independence Also refer
• Sheel Bhadra Yajee (1906-1996) : The fiery freedom fighter from Bihar was associated with the non-violent and the violent form of freedom struggle. Yajee's participation in the freedom movement began in 1928 when, as a student, he attended the Calcutta Session of the Indian National Congress. He joined the Congress Socialist Party four years later and became involved in the Kisan movement. Later, he came in close touch with Subhas Chandra Bose, as well as Mahatma Gandhi. In 1939 he joined Subhas Chandra Bose to found the All India Forward Bloc. He was actively associated with the INA movement. Yajee raised his voice against caste prejudices and other social evils. He was a firm believer in the active participation of the peasants, workers and the middle classes in the struggle for the transformation of society. He authored several books like' A Glimpse of the Indian Labour Movement', 'Forward Bloc and Its Stand', 'Is Socialism a Necessity to India', and 'True Face of Monopolistic American Democracy'.The government of India issued a commemorative stamp on him on 28/01/2001.
• Ganga Sharan Singh : Littérateur and Nationalist. He was a member of Rajya Sabha from 1956 to 1974. He was elected to the upper house too later. He was also the Chairman of PSP from 1956—59. He was close to Jay Prakash Narayan as well as Mrs Indira Gandhi . He tried his best to make these two leaders close to each other but was suspected by both . Pupul Jaykar wrote about him in a book 'Indira Gandhi'.
• Pt. Jadunandan Sharma : Eminent nationalist and peasant leader.
• Kishori Prassana Sinha (Singh) : Nationalist.
• Mithilesh Narayan Singh : Nationalist
• Rai Jagannath Singh : Great grandson of Rai Hriday Narayan Singh, a philanthropist close to British administration. He was a freedom fighter . His wealth was seized by the British government for his active participation in Indian freedom movement.
• Vir Keshwar Singh, Parihans-Gaya : Eminent nationalist and peasant leader.
• Mahapandit Rahul : Sankrityayan Rahul Sankrityayan (1893-1963) was one of the most widely traveled scholars of India, who spent forty-five years of his life on travel and away from home. He became a buddhist monk (Bauddh Bhikkhu) and eventually drew towards Marxist Socialism. He was given the title of Mahapandit (great scholar).
• Ramdhari Singh 'Dinkar' : One of the greatest poet of Hindi and known as Rastra Kavi. He was from Simariya village of Begusarai District of Bihar. He was vice chancellor of Bhagalpur University, Bhagalpur,Bihar. He was close friend of Pandit Jawahar Lal Nehru. He got the prestious Jnanpith Award award for his famous poem Urvashi and Sahitya Akademi Award for his book Sanskriti Ke Char Adhyaya. He was awarded the third highest civilian award Padma Bhushan also. His famous books are 'kurukshetra, Neel Kusum, Rashmirathi, Hamari Sanskritik Ekta, Dinkar ki Dairy and the list is endless.
• Ram Briksh Benipuri : An eminent Hindi language writer from Benipur village of Muzaffarpur, Bihar. He was a great nationalist jouranlist and editor of national news paper 'Janta'.He was a great freedom fighter and close associate of Lok Nayak Jai Prakash Narain. He was author of great Hindi Natak 'Ambapali' on which a Hindi movie 'Amrapali' was made by Rajkapoor.
• Gopal Singh "Nepali" : An eminent poet of post-Chhayavaad period and a famous lyricist of Bollywood.
• Ram Sharan Sharma : He is Professor Emeritus of History at Patna University. He has earlier taught at Delhi (1973-85) and Toronto Universities. He was also the founding chairman of the Indian Council of Historical Research. He has been among the most renowned historians specialising in ancient history of India. He belongs to Barauni flag village of Begusarai district of Bihar. His works include: India's Ancient Past (Oxford University Press) Aspects of Political Ideas and Institutions in Ancient India (Motilal BanarsidassISBN 8120808983), Perspectives in Social and Economic History of Early India (ISBN 8121506727), Urban Decay in India c. 300-c. 1000 (ISBN 8121500451), Sudras in Ancient India: A Social History of the Lower Order Down to Circa A D 600 (ISBN 8120808738), Higher Education (ISBN 8171693202), Looking for the Aryans (ISBN 8125006311), 'Indian Feudalism' and many other scholastic works.
• Prakash Kumar : He is Assistant Professor of History at Colorado State University where he studies modern south Asia, empire and improvement, and colonial science. Originally trained at the University of Delhi, he received his Ph.D. in history of science and technology from the Georgia Institute of Technology. His work on the history of agriculture in south Asia has appeared in the British Journal for the History of Science and the Indian Economic and Social History Review, among other outlets.
• V. S. Naipaul : Nobel laureate for literature, whose Bhumihar Brahmin ancestors had migrated from Gorakhpur in eastern parts of U.P. to Trinidad and Tobago as indentured labourers. Many of the poor agricultural and 'secular Brahmins in secular profession as agriculture apart from religious functions went as indentured workers from Bihar and eastern U.P. to Mauritius, South Africa, Guyana, Suriname and Trinidad where because of the dint of their hard work and intellect are now among the most influential, powerful and intellectual group in these regions. Some have kept their distinct Brahmin identity alive while many have got assimilated with others.
• Prof G R Sharma : Native of Ghazipur and archeologist at Kosambi excavation. He was professor and head of the History department of Allahabad University.
• Prof. R.N.Rai (BANARAS HINDU UNIVERSITY) : He has done great work to nourish the Indian English literature.
• Dr. Madhusudan Mishra : He is a world renowned Sanskrit scholar who has deciphered Indus valley civilization script and has about 20+ publications to his credit. He is a gold medalist in B.A. & M.A. from Patna University. He retired from Rashtriya Sanskrit Sansthan as Deputy Director (Academic) with some time as Director also.
• Prof. Devendra Nath Sharma : Eminent Hindi Critic and Bhasha Vaigyanic. He Served as Vice Chancellor of Patna and Bhagalpur Universities.
• Prof. Vijendra Narayan Singh : Renowoned Hindi Critic. He served as Professor and Head of the Hindi Department of Central University Hydrabad. His famous books are Urvashi;uplabdhi aur sima'and Monograph on Ramdhari Singh Dinker[Sahitya Akademy].He is native of Vibhutipur village of Samastipur District'Bihar.
• Prof. kailash Rai : Renowned Professor of law in Allahabad university. He has written more than two dozen books on law in Hindi and English and has been awarded by the President on 13 of his books which includes his books on the Constitutional Law of India and Contract. His career spans over 35 years of service in the field of Law and is still continuing. Belonging to a very ordinary family of Reotipur in Ghazipur he reached to this stage in the field of Law with immense literary contribution.
• Dr. Girija Nandan Singh : Prof. & head Dept. of Geography, Munger, Bihar. Has visited many countries and presented lots of research papers. He belongs from Tekari, Gaya, Bihar.
• Prof. Ram Das Rai : (Professor of Sanskrit L.S. College, Muzaffarpur, Bihar), Originally from eastern U.P. District Ghazipur Village: Suhawal. Translated Kalidas Plays into Hindi, poetry version, which were used as college text-books in different colleges. His sister was married into the family of the owner of Granth Raj Publishers.
• Dr. Ram Surat Thakur (1921 - 1991) : Eminent educationist and scholar from Samastipurdistrict. First in Bihar to receive his Ph. D. and D. Litt. in eductational pschycology. He retired as Pricipal of Govt. Teachers Training College, Samastipur. He also served as Reader at Bihar State Council of Education Reseach and Training, Patna.
• Prof Digvijay Narayan Sinha : Well known educationist.
• Kuber Nath Rai (March 26,1933-June 5,1996) : Birthplace (Matsa, Ghazipur,Uttar Pradesh, India). Education :Banaras Hindu University and Kolkatta University. From 1958 to 1986 in Nalbari college ,Assam as a Lecturar in English Department. From 1986 to 1995 in Swami Sahjanand PG College,Ghazipur,UP as a Principal. Books : Priya Neelkanthi, Ras Aakehtak, Meghmaadan, Nishad Bansuri, Vishad Yog,Pardmukut, Mahakavi ki Tarjani,Patr Madiputul ke naam, Maanwachan ki Nauka, Kirat nadi mein Chandramukh, Dristi Abhisaar, Treta ka vrihat saam, Kaamdhenu, Maraal. Awards: Murtidevi (Bharti Gyanpeeth) amd many awards from UP and Assam Government.
• Dr Sheetal Prasad Singh : One of the very first medicine expert from Bhumihar Brahmin. His name is most respected in Bihar Medical Society.
• Dr Vijay Narain Singh : Among the best surgeons in Bihar. He was longest serving HOD , Surgery of PMCH and after retirement he started a medical college with Krishna Kant Babu in Patna which is known as Nalanda Medical College.
• Dr A K N Sinha : Tallest figure in Indian Medical Association and also president ofCommonwealth Medical Association and longest serving president of most powerful body Medical Council Of India(MCI) is Governing body of All Medical Colleges in India. He was also a famous Cardiologist.
• Dr G P Sharma : He was famous Pathologist native of West Patna ( Nadawan) . His started lab Dr G P Sharma lab is a premier Pathology Lab in Rajendra Nagar , Patna . These days one of his sons runs this lab.
• Dr J P Sinha : 1948 pass MBBS graduate from PMCH and went UK to get expertise in Radiology and became life long HOD of Radiology , PMCH and retired as Principal of presitious PMCH in 1980 . His started X RAY Institute at Rajendra Nagar was once best Lab with all modern Radiology equipments . His grandson is also a Radiologist currently in UK. Dr Sinha is Native of Bhagwanpur - Ratti , Near Lalganj , Vaishali . It is said he is very first Radiology expert in India.
• Dr R K Singh & Dr Amit Kumar : Dr Raj Kishori Singh is one of the most famous doctors in Bihar specializing in Obstetrics and gynaecology. Her Son Dr Amit Kumar is also a Noted Infertility Expert in Bihar.
• Dr U N Shahi : Another rare surgeon Bihar has ever produced . He was native of Shahi Meenapur , Muzaffarpur . His son Sri Pushkar Shahi is a famous lawyer in Patna.

Prominent Bhumihar

Padmashri Sharda Sinha : Singer, renowned for her deep and melifluous voice, sings mostly in Bhojpuri, Chatth festival songs sung by her are very popular.
• Chandrashekhar Prasad : Student activist, leader and social activist.
• Shashindra Pal Tyagi : Former Air Chief Marshal of India.
• Dr. P.D. Ojha : Deputy Governor, Reserve Bank of India (the central banking authority of India) from 29.04.1985 to 28.04.1990 [1].
• Shandali Sinha : The actress of movie named Tum Bin.
• Amaresh Singh : An IRS has served as Deputy Director(Investigation) in New Delhi and is currently Deputy Secretary in the Union Home Ministry.
• Raghav Sharan Sharma : Engineer, mountaineer, writer. Editor of Swami Sahjanand Saraswati Rachanawali published by Rajkamal Prakashan.
• Shivnarain Chanderpaul : The star cricketer of West Indies (citation:telecast and broadcast in star news direct from chandepaul's home in west indies at 8.30 am on 10 March 2007 tracing the history of chanderpaul's family)
• Chandra Bali Rai : Retired Engineer in chief, UP.
• Prof. Anand Vardhan : Well known Historian
• Ram Sagar Singh : He was born in Mokama(Bihar)& retired as a General Manager (Manufacturing) from the UB group, 2nd largest liquor company in the world. He is famous for social work & he was president of Rotary club mokama & did a lot of work for school children & poor. His wife Anju Bala Singh supported him in every social work area. Now they are trying to improve Mokama area. • Dr K.P.Thakur Most famous grammarian of bihar and former professor of English at R.D.S College, Muzaffarpur. • Buddhi Sagar Rai : A Gold Medalist all through his career and Graduated from BHU as a Mechanical engineer. He excelled in his career and retired as the Engineer in Chief, UP.
• Pandit Surya Dev Sharma : Well-known Sanskrit-scholar from Muzaffarpur, Bihar served as professor of Ayurveda at Awadh Bihari Singh Sanskrit College, Khagaria.
•Manu Rai : A girl from Gazipur,UP. Very intelligent, good looking, working in Reliance Money. Former estates and Zamindars
•Amawan and Tekari Raj: One of the most renowned estates in Bihar. Raja Bahadur Harihar Prasad narayan singh constructed various temples around India. The present Raja Bahadur Raghvendra Prasad Naryan Singh, a fine example of the Raj era spends time between Patna and mussoorie.
• Kashi Naresh
• Bettiah Raj : The largest estate(areawise) in the province of Bihar. There were two-three other prominent estates which emerged out of Bettiah Raj at a later date. The most prominent ones are Sheohar Raj and Madhuban Raj, but all of them share the same ancestry. To get a complete picture of the family lineage of the Bettiah Raj and Sheohar Raj in particular, it is suggested to go through the book named 'Shaktapramod'.
• Sheohar Estate : Earlier a part of Sitamrih District, Sheohar is now a district in itself. The "Nandan Singhs" of Sheohar are now mainly residing in Patna/Muzaffarpur/Delhi
• Tekari Raj
• Ghosi Estate
• Hathua Maharaj : In Saran District of Bihar, they are close kin of Deoria situated Tamukhi Raaj. Currently its Maharaja is Maharaja Bahadur Sri Mrighendra Pratap Sahi is an Industrialist.
• Hardi Estate
• Parihans Estate : situated in Gaya District
• Tamkuhi Raaj : in Deoria District of EAST UP .One of the oldest hereditory rajas for more than 117 generations. • Babhangawaon Estate : It is situtaed at Deoghar District (Santhal Pargana) of Jharkhand. They are Chitpawan Brahmins migrated from Maharastra . They have a dominance over the area.
• Dharhara Estate
• Raja RajDhanwar : It is situtaed at Giridih District (North Chotanagpur) of Jharkhand. They are Chitpawan Brahmins migrated from Maharastra . They are well reputed and big landlords.
• Anapur estate : situated in Allahabad district.
• Jogani Estate of Muzaffarpur : Jogani Estate is located at south of Muzaffarpur district.
• Samprada Singh : Owner of Alkem Ltd. having more than 150 different products.
• Ramakant Rai Sharma : Native of Gazipur, UP but brought up in Kolkata and has remained there ever since. He is owner of Reliance dyes and chemicals which is a very old company now. He also owns a few more business across India in Mumbai, Chennai etc. He was also president of Brahmarshi Samaj is Kolkata and is active both among Bhumihar Brahmins of Kolkata and Gazipur.
• Mahendra Prasad Singh : A native of Jehanabad, and famous by the name of King Mahendra, is the owner of Aristo Pharmaceuticals [2] which has "a formidable position in the industry".
• Sharmanand Sharma : Owner of Aglowmed Ltd. and belong to Jehanabad. Mr Sharma is also in diamond business and he himself a mining engineering gold medalist.
• Satish Kumar Singh A native of Fuladh, Muzaffarpur : Owner of Chemical & Orthopedics companies in Mumbai & Baroda. One of the leading Social figure of Bihari community in Mumbai. Secratory of "Bihar Pravasi Sangh" Bhayander.
• Anil Sharma : He was an engineer with Govt of Bihar and after resigning he went IIT-Kgp for an M.Tech degree. Later on He started his Amrapali Group which has many real estate projects across the India.
• Dr. Kalika Sharan Singh : A native of Nawalpur, Maharajganj, Siwan has been a successful medical practitioner. Later he resigned the government job to start his own Pharmaceutuical company M/s Hi-Tec Laboratories Limited, based at New Delhi with marketing network in four states namely Bihar, Jharkhand, West Bengal and Orissa.
• Sarvesh Shahi : A native of Ahiapur in Muzaffarpur is the owner of Shahi Shipping Company with its headquarter at Mumbai. His elder brother Karunesh Shahi is a famous lawyer of Muzaffarpur

भूमिहार ब्राह्मण एक परिचय

सारस्वता: कान्यकुब्जा उत्कला गौड़ मैथिला:।
पंचगौड़ा: समाख्याता विन्ध्स्योत्तर वासिन: ।।
कर्णाटकाश्च तैलंगा द्राविडा महाराष्ट्रका:।
गुर्जराश्चेति पञ्चैव द्राविडा: विन्ध्यदक्षिणे ।।
पञ्चगौड़ और पञ्चद्रविड़ ब्राह्मणों के अंतर्गत अयाचक त्रिकर्मी ब्राह्मणों का वह दल जो भगवान् परशुराम में अपनी संतति ढूँढते हैं साथ ही पेशा के तौर पर कृषि और शासन प्रमुख रहा उन्हें भारत वर्ष के भिन्न भिन्न क्षेत्रों में अलग अलग नामों से जाना गया है |
जैसे -
१. भूमिहार (बिहार, झारखण्ड, उत्तर प्रदेश)
२. त्यागी (उत्तर प्रदेश)
३. मोह्याल (पंजाब)
४. अनावील (गुजरात)
५. चितपावन (महाराष्ट्र)
६. नियोगी (आंध्र प्रदेश)
७. नम्बुद्दरी (केरल)
भूमिहार ब्राह्मण समाज:
पञ्चगौड़ के अंतर्गत सारस्वत, कान्यकुब्ज, गौड़, मैथिल तथा पञ्चद्रविड़ से महाराष्ट्र और द्रविड़ के अयाचक त्रिकर्मी ब्राह्मणों का एक दलीय समूह है, जो भगवान् परशुराम में अपनी संतति ढूँढते हैं साथ ही पेशा के तौर पर कृषि और शासन प्रमुख है |
भूमिहार समाज पुरोहिती से भी जुड़े रहे हैं जैसे देश के प्रमुख मंदिरों में –
१) गया विष्णुपद मंदिर
२) देव सूर्य मंदिर .....इत्यादि |
सारस्वत से पराशर गोत्र, महाराष्ट्र से कौण्डिन्य तथा विष्णुवृद्धि गोत्र, द्रविड़ से हरित गोत्र तथा कान्यकुब्ज, गौड़, मैथिल से शेष सभी गोत्र |
नोट: कर्म से ही जाति का बोध होता आया है शाश्त्रों के अनुसार, भूमिहार जाति है संस्कृति नहीं | अगर संस्कृति है तो उन सभी जातियों को क्या कहेंगे जिनका बोध कर्म के अनुसार जाना जाता है |

Prominent Bhumihar's

Dr Shanti Roy & Dr Anita Singh : Dr Shanti Roy is one of the most famous GYN & OBS doctor in Bihar. She belongs to Goreakothi and married in Gopalganj. Her son Dr Himanshu Rai is also a Noted Infertility Expert in Bihar. Dr Shanti Roy's younger sister Dr Anita Singh is also a noted GYN & OBS expert . Dr Anita is married to another doctor Dr U P Singh, native of west Patna district.
• Dr. Virendra Prasad Sinha : Cardiologist practising at Patna in Patna Medical College as teacher and the second DM in cardiology Bihar.
Civil Servants ICS & IAS
• T. P. Singh (Junior) : An ICS officer who hailed from very simple family of Ghataro, Vaishali.
• B.P. Singh : Former Culture Secretary and Former Union Home Secretary to the Government of India during the NDA regime at the Centre .
• Aparmita Prasad Singh : A 1964 batch officer from UP Cadre .
• Vinod Rai : Principal Secretary, Finance, Government of India.(Village-Parasa,Ghazipur)
•Sudhir Sharma : 1975 batch office from the Manipur and Tripura cadre.(village-Nagasar,Ghazipur)
• Sri J. P. Rai : Native from a village Lauwadih in District ghazipur(U.P). Deputy Director in Women and Child Welfare Department.
• Rajyavardhan Sharma: 1980 batch Bihar cadre officer. He hails from a small village Dahiya under Patna District.
• Bharat Prasad Singh : UP Cadre IPS from Shekhpura District of Bihar. He served as DIG Allahabad, Gorakhpur and Additional Director General of Police, UP.His elder son Mukesh P. Singh is an IAS (Principal Director Audit and Accounts, North East Railways, Gorakhpur) and his younger son is IAS of Karnataka Cadre.
• Vibhuti Narayan Rai : UP Cadre IPS officer and famous Hindi novelist from Jokahara village of Azamgarh, UP where he established a library named Ramanand Pustakalaya having great collection of Laghu Patrika. His famous novels are Kissa Loktantra, Shahar Mein Curfew.
• Rahul singh : Rank- 4, 96 batch IAS officer and a software engineer from IIT kanpur from the time when there were few software egineers in india
• Baleshwar Rai : Former Secretry Official Language, Govt. of India.He hails from a small village Dhadhni district Ghazipur,UP. Politicians
• Krishna Kant Singh : He was the founder of Nalanda Medical College and Hospital (NMCH), Patna and Minister in Sri Krishna Sinha ministry and de-facto CM in Bhola Paswan Ministry. He was the main initiator to establish Bhagalpur & Ranchi University as Education Minister in Bihar .He served as President, "Gandhi Museum", Patna for many years and also BSFC chairman. He was the only son of Karm Yogi and RajRishi Narayan Babu from Goreakothi.
• Mahesh Pd Sinha : A Native of Vaishali District and very close Lieutenant of Sri Babu (Sri Krishna Sinha). He did a lot for Muzaffarpur in every field of Philanthropy after opening various Schools & Colleges. There is a science college named after him in Muzaffarpur, "M P Sinha Science College".
• Chandrashekhar Singh : He was deputy leader of the Communist Party of India group in the State Legislature of Bihar and a Member of the National Council of CPI, and its Bihar State Secretariat He passed away on the 20 July, 1976 at the age of 61.He was born in December 1915. Shri Chandrashekhar Singh, graduated from Banaras Hindu University in 1937, and obtained his Master's Degree from Patna University in 1939.Shri Chandrashekhar Singh came to politics through the National Liberation movement against the British imperialism in 1934. At that time he was in the Congress Socialist Party. He was elected first General Secretary of the Bihar Students Federation in 1938. In 1940 he joined the CPI and was arrested by the British Government. In 1949 he was arrested in connection with All India Railway strike. He worked in the Kisan Sabha from 1949 to 1956. In 1956 by-election, he was elected on a Communist ticket to the Bihar Legislative Assembly. He was continuously a member of the Bihar Legislative Assembly since 1962.In 1967 he became Minister for Power and Irrigation in the SVD, Government. He was also Deputy leader of the CPI, Legislative Party. He was the son of Sri Ram Charitra Pd Singh.
• Sri Indradeep Sinha : Born in 1914 Indradeep Sinha had a brilliant academic carrier securing a gold medal in post-graduation in economics from Patna University. He chose to serve the people by fighting for political freedom of the nation and social and economic justice to its people. He was a member of the Rajya Sabha from 1974-1986 (two terms) representing the Communist Party of India. He was also in the Bihar ministry in 1967 and 1977 governments in the capacity of Cabinet minister for revenue. His contribution in the peasant movement as general secretary of All India Kisan Sabha was tremendous. He wrote about 25 books and his writings are guidelines for the next generation committed to people's cause. His writings touched various subjects and were guidelines for the socio-political and economic movement in the country.
• Shyam Nandan Prasad Mishra : Famous Congress Leader who was also in the ministry of Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru. He was native of "PIPARA" , Nepal but worked hard as Politician in BEGUSARAI and in 1977 he was in the ministry of Morarji Desai as State External Affairs Minister.
• Digvijay Narayan Singh : Great Indian National Congress Leader and very close toNehru-Gandhi family and Morarji Desai. Sir Mark Tully in his book "No Fullstops in India" has committed one whole chapter on him. He was the grandson of Sri Langet Singh.
• L P Shahi : He joined Sri Babu ministry at very young age and served almost all Congress Ministries in Bihar. Later on Sri Rajiv Gandhi included L P Shahi in Central ministry in 1985 as HRD minister.
• Kalapnath Rai : He is called the vikash purush of Mau (UP). Served the Congress Government under Narashima Rao as Power minister and Agriculture minister.
• Raj Narain : Known as Giant-killer for defeating Indira Gandhi from Rai-Bareilly Lok-Shabha seat in 1977. He served the country as Health Minister in Janata Party Government. He was one of the relatives of the royal family of Benaras.
• Rajo Singh : A famous congressman from Bihar who started his career as a Primary School teacher and became Rags to riches . He represented Sheikhpura in Bihar LA and Begusarai in LS. Never lost an election. He was assassinated in 2005. • C.P.Thakur: A well known Doctor and former Health Minister in NDA government at centre. He revolutionised the concept of treatment of Kala-azar and is recognised as an international authority in this field and was honoured with Padmashree Award.
• Rajiv Ranjan Singh 'Lalan' :
• Maheshwar Prasad Singh : Noted Bihari Politician, Popularly known as “Chanakya” of Bihar, native of chapra, Rampur. He was General Seceratry of Janata Party, Bihar, the founder member of BJP and vice president of BJP, President of ABP, chairman of a state PSU, member of Khadi Board, and held other Cabinate rank posts. He was close associate of Morarji Desai. • Mrs. Tarkeshwari Sinha: Congress leader and central minister in Pt. Jawaharlal Nehrucabinet.
• Algu Rai Shastri : Freedom fighter and congress leader , Member of Parliament., U.P minister.
• Kunwar Revati Raman Singh : A notable politician of Zamindaar family from Baraon state of Allahabad. At present he is representing Allahabad Loksabha constituency defeating veteran BJP leader Dr. Murli Manohar Joshi. His father Kunwar Madhvendra Singh was Minister in the 1937 interim government of Pandit Govind Ballabh Pant.His only son Ujjaval Raman Singh was Cabinet minister in Mulayam Singh Government in Uttar Pradesh.
• Gauri Shankar Rai : He represented UP legislative assembly from Ballia and Loksabha from Ghazipur. He was a great parliamentarian who initiated 'Visheshadhikar Hanan Notice' against Prime Minister Mrs. Indira Gandhi. He was leader of opposition in legislative council of UP assembly during chief ministership of H.N.Bahuguna. He was secretary to chief minister Smt. Sucheta Kripalani.
• Mahachandra Prasad Singh : He is 6 time congress MLC from Chaapra Graduate constituency. He is a long serving legislator and a respected congressman.
• Dr. Ravindra Kumar Rai : He belongs from a Zamindar Family of Giridih District. His Grandfather Nageshwar Rai was also MLa of 1st Vidhansabha of Bihar. He is currently a member legislative Assembly Jharkahnd. He was Cabinet minister of Industry and Mines Department in BJP Govt at Jharkhand. Currently in Jharkhand Vikas Morcha.
• Shiv Kumar choudhary : Political Leader from ARA(Bihar).
• Shyam Sunder Singh Dheeraj : Political leader from Mokama, Played important role in Congress Comeback after emergency and fall of Janta Party's Government. He saved Mr. Sanjay Gandhi from violent mob. He was youth congress leder in Bihar for more than 15 years. He was the yougest cabinet minister of Bihar.
• Ram Janam Sharma : A renowned personality from Bikram Patna. He is an ex -MLA from Bikram and played important role for Bhartiya Janata Party in Patna. His age is 53 years. He is in active politics from 18 years of his age. Atalji had praised him as most prominent of Bhumihar in Patna. Now also he is helping peoples of his constituency and and also apart from his constituency. He is very bold leader.
• Kapildeo Singh : Socialist Leader from Barahiya. In pre-independence he was active in the Quit-India movement as a young student. Post-independence he was an active socialist leader and became a Cabinet Minister in the Janata Party government of 1977. • Babu Braj Kishore Singh: Great Socialist Leader from Village Azizpur District Muzaffarpur. Played a vital role in Anti congress moment (also known as J P Andolan). A well known Social worker of his time.
• Dr. Lal Mohan Pd Singh : Professor & Head of Department of Psychology SRPS College Jaitpur, Muzafarpur. A scholar of psychology and a well known leader of BJP in Muzaffarpur. Former district president of BJP, Muzaffarpur and also member of National council. • Krishnanand Rai: He was the Bharatiya Janata Party legislator from Mohammadabad(Ghazipur). Krishnanand Rai was shot dead by unidentified men at Baswania, 100km from Varanasi in Uttar Pradesh on 29th November 2005 because of his long time rivalry with Ansari brothers in that constituency. His wife Alka Rai represented his constituency after the bypoll held after his sad demise. It was a great loss for the people of region as they lost their young loving leader.
• Tilakdhari Singh : Twice M.P from Koderma.
• Rai Hari Shankar Sharma : Thrice M.L.A. from East Champaran district and a prominent leader in 70s and 80s. • Dr Akhilesh Prasad Singh: M.P of R.J.D representing Motihari and also the Minister of agriculture of state in present U.P.A government at centre.
• Jadish Sharma : Former Congress Heavyweight and present independent M.L.A from GHOSI asseembly seat representing it for seventh consecutive time.
• Surajbhan Singh : MP from Balia (Bihar) and LJP's General Secretary. A well known criminal turned politician of Bihar.
• Chandra Mohan Rai : Health Minister of Bihar in NDA government.
• Ramashray Prasad Singh : Many times served as the minister of water resources department in Bihar.
• Ram Jatan Sinha : Former Minister in Government of Bihar and former President of All India congress Committee of Bihar.
• Lal Narayan Sinha : An outstanding legal luminary who was the Attorney General of India during the Prime Minitership of Indira Gandhi. Born in Village Mussi (Belaganj, Gaya) he is regarded for his legal skills because of defending Emergency.
• Chief Justice of India Lalit Mohan Sharma : Son of above mentioned Lal Narayan Sinha, is also a reputed legal scholar. He was born on February 12, 1928 at Gaya (Bihar). Passed B.A. Hons. (Patna University) in 1946. Passed B.L. (Patna University) in 1948. Enrolled as articled clerk in High Court, Patna in 1949. Started practice in High Court, Patna as an Advocate - February 6, 1950. Enrolled as Supreme Court Advocate - March 6, 1957. Later nominated as Senior Advocate. Took charge (oath) as Judge, Patna High Court on April 12, 1973. Took charge (oath) as Judge, Supreme Court of India on October 5, 1987. Appointed Chief Justice of India on November 18, 1992. Retired on February 11, 1993.
• Justice N.P. Singh : Born on 25th December, 1931. Enrolled as an Advocate on 9th January, 1956; Appointed as the Judge of the Patna High Court on 12th April, 1973; Became the Acting Chief Justice of Patna High Court in 1991; On 4th February, 1992 took over as Chief Justice of Calcutta High Court; Appointed as the Judge of the Supreme Court on 15th June, 1992. Retired on 24.12.1996.
• Justice Nagendra Rai : He was born on 31.01.1944. He was enrolled as an Advocate in 1966, and practised mainly in Criminal, Civil And Constitutional Matters in the Patna High Court. He became Judge of Patna High Court in the year 1990 and Acting Chief Justice in 2005, retired on 31.01.2006.
• Justice Narayan Roy : He was born on 01.02.1947,He was enrolled as an Advocate on 05.09.1972, and practised mainly in Criminal, Civil and Constitutional Matters in the Patna High Court. He became Government Pleader at Ranchi Bench of Patna High Court in the year 1986 and Government Advocate in 1990, became Permanent Judge of Patna High Court in the year 1991 and Acting Chief Justice on 16.10.2007. He Belongs to a Zamindar family of Giridih District, Jharkhand.
• Padmashri Dr. Chandreshwar Prasad Thakur : Commonly called Dr. C. P. Thakur, Emeritus Professor of Medicine, Patna Medical College, Patna, has also received the Ranbaxy Research Awards award in the field of Medical Sciences (Clinical Research) by the Hon'ble President of India , Dr. A.P. J. Abdul Kalam, presented the for his significant contribution towards the understanding of drug response in treatment of kala-azar. His new knowledge may soon lead in developing a drug from Ayurvedic medicine, for treatment of kala-azar, visceral leishmaniasis. He is the former Union Cabinet minister for Health and Family Planning and three time member of Lok Sabha from Patna constituency.
• D.P. Sinha : Consulting Engineer and Architect, Worked as Executive engineer with PWD but took voluntory retirement from the services (first in the history of Bihar), Now runs private firm in Patna under banner of Tirthanker Designs,he is known for best in consulting and designing building Bihar/Jharkand/UP/WB and adjoining states, also build countless houses for poor and backwards. He also specialised in building Schools,Colleges,Churches,Temples and Mosques.He loves farming and gardening,has small terrace garden in Patna, He comes from humble back ground from Village:Vaishali(Naya Tola)Vaishali District.
• Vikas Singh : He is currently the Additional Solicitor General of India in the Supreme Court. Mr. Singh started working as an advocate in the Supreme Court since 1990 and was designated as Senior Advocate in December 2004. He has handled constitutional, administrative, corporate, criminal and arbitration matters in the apex court and Delhi and Bombay High Courts.
• Air Chief Marshal Shashindra Pal Tyagi : He is more commonly known as S P Tyagi is the former Chief of the Air Staff of the Indian Air Force. Prior to becoming chief of Indian Air Force, he was commanding the Western Air Command of the Air Force. He was commissioned in the fighter stream of the IAF on December 31, 1963. He is said to have "actively participated" in the 1965 and 1971 wars.
• P.K.Shahi : He is currently Advocate General of the Government of Bihar.
• Dr. Krishna Nandan Singh : He is the former President of Patna High Court Bar Association. A Doon School pass-out who further did his doctorate from the Benares Hindu University. He has handled constitutional, administrative, corporate, criminal and arbitration matters in Patna and Ranchi High Courts primarily but also appears in matters in the Apex Court. Dr. K.N. Singh belongs to the highly-respected family of Sheohar Raj which traces its ancestry to Bettiah Raj.
• R.V.Shahi : Present power secretary of India. Worked as director of NTPC and chairman of BSES.
• S.K.Shahi : Eminent Chartered Accountant, belonging to the Shandilya gotra. Served as the chairman of the Patna branch of the Institute of chartered accountants of India in 2001 . Senior Partner of a CA firm having offices at Patna, New Delhi, Bhubaneshwar etc. He is the central statutory auditor of public sector banks and several PSUs.
• Dr. Brinda Bihari Thakur : Commonly called Dr. B.B.Thakur, Emeritus Professor of Medicine, Sri Krishna Singh Medical College, Muzaffarpur is also association of physicians national president.
• Sri Arun Kumar Singh : He is the DGM, Reserve Bank Of India and son of Late Sri M.P. Singh, a noted politician of Bihar