Saturday 10 January 2015

विदेशी विद्द्वानों की टिप्पणियाँ

  • Aristotle : In the year 331 B.C. Aristotle visited India and wrote that now the ideas about castes and professions, which have been prevelant from a long time, are gradually dying out, and the Brahmins, neglecting their education.......... live by cultivating the land and acquiring the territorial possessions, which is the duty of Kshatriyas." If things go on in the way, then instead of being(Vidyapati) i.e master of learning, they will become(Bhumipati) i.e master of land."
  • Fahian: In the year 399 A.D. Fahian came to India and he wrote "The Brahmins having given up asceticism........... are ruling here and there in the place of Kshatriya and are called Sang he Kang ( land-seizer)."The land-sezier word indicate Bhumihar Brahmins.
  • Dr. Wilson: Dr. Wilson in his book "Indian castes" part II page 134 has decribed The Mohiyal( synonym of Bhumihar Brahmin) as mentioned below:
    Saraswat Brahmins: Another class of the character refers to is that of the Moyals or movals. They are extensively scatterd over the Punjab.
    Taga(Tyagi) Brahmins of the Punjab are generally cultivators. They belong to the Gauda division of the Brahmin-hood. They care little about religious rites of any kind..... They are found principally on the banks of the Saraswati, near Thanser, some of the less pure agriculture Brahmin of these villages are called Taga of Gauda Tagas. (Tyagi is the synonym for Bhumihar Brahmin).
  • Mr. Crook: Mr. Crook in his book "The Tribes and castes of UP and Oudh" part II, page 64 has written----
    Bhumihar(Sanskrit Bhumi and Kara(har) 'maker'): An important tribe and landowners and agriculturists in eastern districts. They are also known as Babhan, Zamindar Brahmin, Grihastha Brahman or Pachchima or "Western Brahmin".
  • Sir Elliot: According to Sir Elliot's supplemental glossary, there are five divisions of the Kamkoobj Brahmins. They are Kamkoobj proper, Sunadh, Surwaria, Jijhotia and Bhoinhar.
  • Mr. William Oldham: Mr. William Oldham in his book "NORTH WESTERN PROVINCES HISTORTICAL AND STATICAL MEMOIR" has categorically mentioned that Bhoinhars, both by themselves and by ethnologists, are belived to be the descendants of Brahmins, who on becoming cultivators and landholders gave up their priestly functions.


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